About Us - Mech.Eng.

Mechanical Engineering - Hanyang University ERICA
Mechanical Engineering is a diverse field that encompasses solid mechanics, thermofluids, dynamics and control, design and manufacturing, and bio and nano applications. Mechanical engineers make valuable contributions to a wide range of industries, including automobiles, aircraft, shipbuilding, semiconductors, displays, manufacturing, power generation, energy conversion, robotics, and more. Graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Hanyang University ERICA have played a significant role in shaping the advanced industrial societies around the world. Our department has received continuous support from the Brain Korea 21 (BK21) program through its first, second, and fourth phases. In 2004, we were ranked second among mechanical engineering programs in Korea based on the Academic Evaluation Certification by the Korean Council of University Education. We are fully committed to maximizing our students' potential and producing aspiring mechanical engineers who will be at the forefront of the future.
Undergraduate Program: Mechnical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Hanyang University ERICA provides a diverse range of programs designed to equip students with the skills needed to keep up with the rapid advancements in science and technology. The undergraduate program is structured around fundamental courses in mathematics, physics, and basic chemistry, and covers the four major branches of mechanics: solid mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. Additionally, the department offers various applied courses, including basic electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical design, mechanical vibration, manufacturing, heat transfer, numerical analysis, finite element analysis, systems analysis, automatic control, fluid machinery, elasticity, etc. In addition to these courses, we offer a specialized program in design innovation. The aim of this program is to train competitive system design engineers in the mechanical engineering field by integrating fundamental theory with state-of-the-art computer-aided engineering (CAE) technology. Students will acquire practical design theory and hands-on experience with CAE tools widely used in the industry, such as CATIA, ANSYS, and FLUENT.
Graduate Program: Mechanical Design Engineering
Our department offers advanced graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mechanical Engineering. Our graduate program is officially named the Department of Mechanical Design Engineering at Hanyang Graduate School. We offer three different graduate programs: MS, PhD, and integrated MS-PhD programs. Admission to the graduate program is granted to qualified applicants who hold a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or possess equivalent qualifications. Exceptional students with a bachelor's degree in other fields of engineering or science will also be considered for admission. Additionally, we provide a range of scholarship programs for eligible graduate students.
Our department is committed to providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the global marketplace. To this end, we offer approximately one-third of our undergraduate and graduate courses in English, covering fundamental mechanical engineering courses such as solid mechanics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and more advanced topics. Since 2009, we have established a 2 + 2 program with Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST) in China, where QUST students study abroad for two years in Korea and receive a Bachelor of Science degree from Hanyang University after completing the first two-year curriculum at QUST. Additionally, upon request from QUST, our department faculty members teach one-month on-site classes at their university. We make our best efforts to expand our international relationships with prestigious universities around the world to provide our students with diverse learning opportunities and promote global collaboration in the field of mechanical engineering.